Concrete Industry Business Modelling

Digitalization & connectivity in the concrete industry brings tangible benefits to gain an edge in a competitive market. The BetoSys & BetoTrack products handle all aspects of the industry, from factory and order management to dispatching and delivery.

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The ready-mix concrete industry faces strong challenges from increased energy costs and changing demand patterns. Sophisticated construction techniques require precise formulation and delivery strategies. To gain an edge, it becomes critical to optimize all aspects of the operation of the business.  Developed in close cooperation with industry leaders, the DSA BetoSys & BetoTrack solution integrates all information sources into a single master database for optimal communication among the different departments of the company. The complete business process is modelled to allow tracking every single order from the customer call all the way to the delivery at the construction site.

The ready-mix concrete solutions from DSA enable delivering the right mix, at the right time, on the right place with the lowest possible cost with full transparency on each step of the way.

Manage equipment on-site with remote monitoring and control with full transparency.

Spalek, Karin

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Spalek, Karin
+49 (0) 2408 9492-0

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