DSA sends its congratulations and joins in the celebrations - 50 years of computer science at RWTH Aachen University

It has been 50 years since the first computer scientists started their studies at RWTH Aachen University. An excellent opportunity to celebrate this anniversary within the Department of Computer Science. And DSA is joining in the celebrations.

As part of the company fair on September 9, 2022, DSA will be represented with an booth in the foyer of the Computer Science Center. This is where students will have the opportunity to learn about the interesting jobs and career paths at DSA.

A special insight into the DSA world is offered in our 3-Minute-Madness presentation. During this live event, we bring the corporate DNA of DSA to the point in an entertaining way.

Whether as student employees, young professionals or professionals - numerous colleagues from RWTH University have joint our team at DSA. With this in mind, we look forward to welcoming numerous interested students at our booth at the RWTH Aachen Computer Science Center on September 9 from 12:00 h.

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